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Our world has pretty much tunred green! What a welcome change from the several months of white. The air never smells better than after a rain. Our world never looks cleaner than after a few inches of snow. There is almost always some good to be found. Sometimes it is just harder to see and identify. This old man is paying the price for getting old. Besides the aches and pains, bad attitude, and lack of stamina, My friends are dying way too often. Some were younger and some older. One form of entertainment for the last fifty or so years has...
On the bright side our days will keep getting longer for another month. On the down side in another month our days will be getting shorter. The old saying “We are here for a good time, not a long time,” comes to mind. All things in moderation and be responsible for your actions applies. None of that seems to apply to today’s tyrannical government. It is all right to murder babies right up to birth, but a pro-life activist trying to block access to an abortion clinic was sentenced to five years in prison. Come on man! Its all right to use taxpa...
The first wood tick of the year has now been dealt with. As of yet, no mosquitoes have been sighted. The Asian beetles are finally starting to thin out in the house. One of the nasty things found it’s way into my chocolate chip ice cream milkshake a while back. It went unnoticed until I thought it was a bigger chocolate chip and bit it. They are are quite crunchy. If you think they smell bad when crushed they taste even worse! Be aware of your surroundings includes now looking more carefully at any and all food. It will soon be time to put o...
This old farmer sat out on the back porch for the first time this spring last evening. After turning up my hearing aids the mourning doves, robins, geese and cranes were a treat to listen to. If there are no birds or animals in heaven I do not want to be there. People that don’t likje birds and animals won’t like me either. Please do us both a favor and stay away. The farther the better. It has long been a mystery how a doctor could take the Hippocratic Oath and still murder unborn babies. The oath is very simple. “First do no harm.” It was wri...
Hopefully most of us survived the great eclipse. The excitement created by it was testimony to how bad we the people needed something new for a distraction. Hunter Biden thumbing his nose at Congress and getting away with it is just one example of our tiered justice system. The constant never ending attacks on Donald J. are getting more obvious how unconstitutional and down right dirty they are. The statutes of limitations had ran out on the Stormy Daniel’s sack of lies. If anything happened there or not, it was a long time ago between two c...
It is said that the months of November and April bring the most change. All signs point to a very welcome change in April. This old farmer needs to spend time in the garden. The smell and feel of newly tilled dirt never gets old. Today’s climate controlled cabs have got to be more healthy than sitting on a cabless tractor. Some compared them to sitting on a fence post. There was nothing much colder when cold out or hotter when warm. The sunburned and windburned “farmers tan” are very seldom seen anymore. As stated before, today is all about...
When the month of March flies by in the blink of an eye you might be getting old. As my mom’s friend pointed out years ago, “The days are long, but the weeks months, and years just fly by”. It is a phenomena as old as time itself. Johnny Carson asked a hundred-year-old woman what her secret was to getting so old. She said to “just keep breathing.” Three minutes without air, three days without water, thirty days without food comes to mind. The greatest country in the world no longer has democrats and republicans. There are now two factions...
What a winter of ice it has been. Almost everyone that has not taken a nasty digger themselves knows someone who has. I am melting melting melting comes to mind. The puddles in the yard are soaking in at a phenomenal rate. Maybe the ground was too dry to freeze. At any rate maybe we are done walking like penguins for awhile. Both the A and AA games at the hockey state tourney were something special to watch. The one thing that remains the same seems to be that everyone not from Edina hates them. The close championship game with Chanhassen...
Whoopie! We get to spring ahead again this weekend. Our government can’t even leave our clocks alone. As previously suggested, if you can’t decide, then split the difference. Spring ahead a half hour this spring and do not fall back this fall. Just a thought from a retired old farmer that has not worn a watch in over forty years. Milk cows know when it is milking time and they don’t wear a watch either. With so many a.g.s and d.a.s in blue states trying to constantly do unconstitutional stuff SCOTUS has enough on their plate without deali...
8 being a leap year gave February another day to allow March to come in like a lamb. What a strange winter it has been! It is politics as usual in D.C. The Dems accuse the Republicans of lying with no proof to back it up and raise total hell. They alter and lie about facts destroying evidence as in the J6 fiasco. Hilary acid washed and pounded her servers with hammers. Nothing to see here! Of course not, they made sure of that! It is said that Nero played the fiddle while watching Rome burn. Biden eats ice cream while watching our country...
Boy are the liberal left crowing about how evil Putin is. Putin’s number one political rival died in prison. That would be a dream come true for dems if Trump was to die in prison. If Putin was a nice guy there wouldn’t have been forty-three assassination attempts on him. He probably would not need more than twenty-five hundred people that have the skills and training to keep him alive. Any means to the end that he desires is no problem no matter how many people are hurt or killed. The only difference between Putin and our own political cri... Full story
It is awesome to see the days getting longer! The winter loggers and those that walk on water to catch fish are struggling. Even Mother Nature can’t always please everyone. No one seems to be complaining about lower heating bills. Our wild creatures have had almost no winter, just a few months with no bugs. An open winter might not bode well for crops that depend on snow cover to survive. Time will tell. The last football game of the season was a dandy. Way to much politics though. What would have happened if some white players took a knee for...
Every year and every season are different. This one is definitely different. Not complaining about the temps, but it sure would be nice to see the sun once in a while. My get up and go has got up and went. No idea where it went and no clue if or when it will come back. Maybe I took an old friend’s advice too seriously. He said every time he felt a burst of energy coming on that he would go lay on the couch and wait for it to pass. After many years of doing this, it is maybe working too well. When it looks, feels, and smells like spring it w...
After watching last Sundays NFC and AFC playoff games this old coot was really glad he had not put his money where his mouth was. There was no way anyone but the Ravens and Lions would be battling in the Super Bowl. Wrong! Not once but twice. After the Vikings are out the Chiefs used to be my team of choice. Used to be. They are now seen as the most racist example of white privilege in our great nation. The vast majority of players in the NFL are people of color. How many times has a black player made an outstanding play and had the cameras go...
The only Spanish this old Norwegian understands is “El Nino”. As the wrestler from yesteryear used to say, “That is all the people need to know”. Baron Von Rashke was a character with “the claw”. The last time I heard of him he was operating a baitshop in Minnesota. It would have been a tough sell to convince the generation before the “boomers” that it was just entertainment. Vern Gagne, Da Crusher, Mad Dog, The Butcher, Hacksaw Jim Dugan, the Macho Man were but a few. They had mouths that could talk trash and moves and bad attitude to back it...
Back to the thirties above next week gives us some light at the end of the tunnel. After working for thirty-four winters in the woods going every day that it was above thirty below I now live in the world of “this is no weather for old men.” Some said that you are out every day and get used to it. Wrong, never did. One learns how to dress and also pace yourself so as not to get all sweaty. Some said “you are in the woods out of the wind.” Wrong! The reason for being there was to cut wood. After just a few days of butchering trees the wind alway...
According to the weather forecast, winter in the great northland is going to get real. We all knew it was going to happen. If some are not prepared for it blame the person in the mirror. A lot of us that stay here do so because we want to. You won’t get the crunch and squeak from the snow in Florida. Invasive snakes are not eating our pets and native animals either. We have wolves and coyotes for that. A couple days ago a coyote walked by one of our game cameras with one of the neighbors cats in it’s mouth, There was a very good reason the...
According to the weather forecasters our love affair with El Nino will soon be over. Missing out on two months of cold and snow has worked out well for the ones that don’t snowcat, icefish, or run coyotes with hounds. Who pays the bill for rescuing the ones that get trapped on the lake by open water? Just wondering. It is nothing short of a miracle that more have not drowned. This old fisherman likes to fish, loves to catch fish, but they are not to die for. Now our very own great state of Minnesota has adopted the “Red Flag” law. Talk about op...
Every year and every season is different. Back in the sixties helping grandpa clean the barn, the snow was so deep by Christmas that we couldn’t spread the manure on the fields. This year they are bare of any snow. The ones making tons of money are preaching global warming and climate change. John Kerry with his six mansions, huge yacht, and private jet comes to mind first. Paul Harvey’s “Now you know the rest of the story” explained it very well back in 1992. And with the willing complicity of headline hungry media. A recent crisis of the mon...
The sun has now completed its six month journey to the south. In six months it will be as far north as it goes and turn back south again. Around and around we go. Where we stop nobody knows. Now some perverts made a gay porn tape in the judiciary hearing room. Some people have no respect whatsoever for anything or anybody including themselves. The twenty-four year old is trying to play the victim instead of the perpetrator. He must figure that so far it is working for Hunter Biden. What a mournful sound he made trying to blame everyone else...
Some of us would like to tell the people blowing their global warming horn where to put their horn. Climate change, global warming, or an el nino winter a few more months would not be a problem for most of us. We will soon be at the shortest day of the year. The sunsets seem to go on a dimmer switch when the days get longer. It would be nice if the powers that be would leave our clocks alone. Leave the time as is or back it up or move it ahead a half hour. Just leave well enough alone. A bit of history came to mind on the deer and wolf...
The 2023 deer rifle season is now just a memory. Actually many very good memories. One of this retired old farmers hobbies just happens to be working on food plots, lots of food plots. This years were some of the best ever. All of God’s creatures will have enough food to get through the winter. Feeding many so a few can feed us is a good plan. What is sad is that the price of fur has fallen through the floor. Even the best trapper has no chance of even paying for their gas. Trail cam pictures confirm there is no shortage of predators. Canada c... Full story
Thanksgiving 2023 is now just a memory. Forty-six million turkeys gave all so that we the people could load up on turkey and take naps. It is hard to believe that forty percent of our people say they are just as well off as they were three years ago. Biden’s quest to destroy the middle class is working. The New World Order and the World Economic Forum only want two classes of people. The super rich and the terribly poor. The United States of America has been set up to fail. We as a country are the laughing stock of the world. We are shown no r...
Halfway through deer season for those lucky enough to live in the nine day zone. Already stories of the big one that got away and even more of the ones that didn’t are going around. This old man’s fire for the hunt would barely make a pilot light. Time spent in the deer stand is still enjoyable but harvesting a deer is not really important anymore. With heated stands and food plots much of the challenge is gone. Holding out for a mature buck, meaning at least three and a half years old, brings the challenge back. There is a group of Tom Tur...
It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Some of us find that disgusting, nauseating, and just plain nasty. With two months to go til the big day it seems a bit early. One more time, where is the global warming? Good tracking snow for deer season should mean more deer recovered which is a good thing. Deer season for many has went from not being able to sleep the night before to another reminder we are a year older. Getting older is a privilege many never get to experience so live everyday like it might be your last. The only guarantee we...