Serving Roseau County for over 100 Years - The Official Roseau County Newspaper

See you DOWN THE ROAD - Four Seasons senior center

"Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people." Roy T. Bennett

With the ending of summer and the coming of fall many are planning an outing around the Labor Day weekend. Be safe and enjoy your time with family and friends.

As noted last month LSS is serving the noon meal from 11 - 12 noon. You are asked to call in to 463-1331 or come in to reserve your meal by 9:30 a.m. The Meals-On-Wheels program will provide deliveries around 11 a.m. Badger Twins Cafe continues to cater the meals. The weekly menus are printed in the Roseau Times-Regio...


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