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Roseau County Sheriff’s Department
Olnick Michael James Hultstrand, International Falls, pled guilty to speeding and was fined $125. (Badge #1926)
Todd Owen Miller, Warroad, pled guilty to trespassing and was fined $50 and one year unsupervised monitoring without conviction. (Badge #23)
Angel Bouasavanh Phommachan, Warroad, pled guilty to speeding and was fined $145. (Badge #1927)
Chelsea Marie Sellen, Warroad, pled guilty to speeding and was fined $125. (Badge #1912)
Ricky Dwaine Solberg, Warren, pled guilty to speeding and was fined $125. (Badge #1917)
Minnesota State Patrol
Thor Albert Anderson, Greenbush, pled guilty to no seat belt and was fined $110. (Badge #108)
Joe Richard Bessler, Warroad, had a charge of no proof of insurance dismissed. (Badge #274)
Linda Irene Danielson, Warroad, pled guilty to speeding and was fined $125. (Badge #108)
Nathan Paul Davidson, Baudette, pled guilty to allowing illegal operation and was fined $185. He had a charge of no proof of insurance dismissed. (Badge #108)
Cameron Logan Elliot, East Grand Forks, pled guilty to speeding and was fined $125. (Badge #581)
Glenn Allan Heinecke, Alexandria, pled guilty to speeding and was fined $125. (Badge #108)
DeWayne Jerome Jensen, Roseau, pled guilty to speeding and was fined $125. He pled guilty to no seat belt and was fined $25. (Badge #108)
Jerel Arthur Kilen, Greenbush, pled guilty to loaded firearm and was fined $185. He pled guilty to no seat belt and was fined $25. (Badge #108)
Rebekah Joy Kveen, Roseau, pled guilty to improperly worn seatbelt and was fined $110. (Badge #108)
Alexander Freeman Nafziger, Fargo, N.D., pled guilty to speeding and was fined $125. (Badge #550)
Marilyn Kay Novacek, Greenbush, pled guilty to expired registration and was fined $115. (Badge #108)
Kendell Kurt Ose, Saint Michael, pled guilty to speeding and was fined $125. (Badge #108)
Traverty Scott Otto, Warroad, pled guilty to no seat belt and was fined $110. He had a charge of no proof of insurance dismissed. (Badge #108)
William Edward Petersen, Wannaska, pled guilty to no seat belt and was fined $110. (Badge #108)
Madison Breana Pickar, Warroad, pled guilty to speeding and was fined $125. She had a charge of no proof of insurance dismissed. (Badge #581)
Bobby Pries, Badger, pled guilty to failure to register title within timeframe and was fined $185. (Badge #108)
Kasey Dawn Pries, Badger, pled guilty to speeding and was fined $125. (Badge #581)
Guy Joseph Louis Sibilleau, Roseau, pled guilty to tint too dark and was fined $135. (Badge #108)
Dan Allen Urness, Roseau, pled guilty to speeding and was fined $135. (Badge #274)
John Micheal Webb, Warroad, had a charge of no proof of insurance dismissed. He had charge of tires extending beyond fenders dismissed. He had a charge of bumper height dismissed. (Badge #108)
Mark Steven Foldesi, Greenbush, pled guilty to failure to obtain burning permit and was fined $135. (Badge #538)
Cooper Ray Lundgren, Roseau, pled guilty to no fishing license and was fined $110. (Badge #474)
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