Serving Roseau County for over 100 Years - The Official Roseau County Newspaper
The annual MEGA Truck Night was held to kick off another ECFE year at the Roseau Electric Cooperative parking lot on September 17. The clouds broke to give us clear skies and a fantastic turn out. This year we partnered with LifeCare Medical Center as they offered a free Safe Kids car seat safety check where families could have their car seats checked inside the REC garage.
A special thanks to the REC for the use of their parking lot and facility.
Another big thanks to our community businesses for their continued support of this annual event. The kids and parents appreciate this chance to get a close up look at vehicles and services that make our community run on a daily basis.
Thank you to the ECFE families that came out to attend the kickoff event and for their participation and enthusiasm at all the special events and weekly classes held throughout the year.
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