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Salol News

Nels and Erin Grafstrom and girls took a trip down south for a cousins wedding in Iowa last weekend. They spent a few fun hours at the Omaha Zoo on Saturday.

Jerry and Katherine Vertina had lunch with Tom and Gayle Greer, from Fargo, in Thief River Falls. The Greers were going to Duluth to visit Gayle’s sister Myrna at her nursing home. The ladies are Katherine’s cousins. Katherine got her new glasses at T.R.F.

Joe and Ginger Urban of Gold Canyon, Ariz. and granddaughters Ellie and Kelty Nicholson of International Falls visited at Dennis and Diane Monkmans Friday and Saturday.

Joe, Ginger, Ellie and Kelty visited Marcy Santl and Scott and Wendy Monkman. The girls enjoyed helping with wood cutting and playing with the dogs.

Kristin Monkman and Fiance Austin visited Scott Monkmans. They borrowed dads covered trailer as they are in the process of moving.

Patrick, Stacey and Troy Monkman spent M.E.A. vacation visiting Adam, Holly and Walker McLain in Rapid City, S.D.

Roger and Betty Hulst joined their friend Becky Dawley at Four Seasons for rib dinner on Friday.

Company at Verna Grafstroms included Braatens, Lunds, Pete, Brian and Valerie.

Cody Wittrock brought his sons up for the youth hunting season. The oldest son Cole shot his first deer.

Emma Lane again was lucky enough and shot her deer for the 3rd year-Way to go Emma!

Peter and Marilyn’s niece with sons Liam, Colin and Breyen, from Winnipeg, came up for the weekend. Liam shot his first deer.

Hope Grafstrom spent Thursday, Friday and part of Saturday at Bluewater Fall Retreat.

Dennis and Joe Urban enjoyed breakfast with the Ham Club Saturday. David Landby from Southern Minn. joined them. David grew up in Warroad and was an avid club member before he moved.

It was nice to have a couple sunshiny days- got my new tulip bulbs planted.

Jim and Dayton took Tommy to Fargo for his flight back to Anchorage. Tommy visited with lots of friends and relatives while here.

Sympathy to all the families with loved ones passing:

Rena (Vinet) Storo- wonderful friend who came here from Canada.

Jeff Lundstrom (Kathy Olson’s nephew) from California.

Orlen Eidsmoe- woodsman and ran a sawmill for years.

Colleen Swenson- Jon Swenson’s wife.

Corey Johnson- Brett and Renae Jorgensen’s brother-in-law.

Gary Hendrickson- Renae and Chuck’s dad.

Sam and Lola Grafstrom were among the crowd that enjoyed the REA October Co-op Day lunch Tuesday.


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