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Court Report

Roseau County

Sheriff’s Dept.

Catrina Ann Gilbert, Warroad, pled guilty to disorderly conduct and was fined $260. Local confinement of 30 days, stay 30 days for 1 year with unsupervised probation for one year. (Badge #1801)

Adam Clair Kittelson, Roseau, pled guilty to two counts of domestic assault and was fined $960 restitution of $601.25. Local confinement of 365 days, stay 305 for 2 years with 27 days credited. Supervised probation for 2 years.

City of Warroad

Cole Chartier, Salol, pled guilty to worthless check and was fined $135 with restitution of $70. Local confinement of 30 days, stay...


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