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Dear Santa, my name is Khris. I would like an iphone please. Also like an xbox 1 and avenger toys. How are you. Merry Christmas! 2nd grade is fun! Your friend, Khris Crego
Dear Santa, my name is axel . I wold like a remote controll Moster jam truck and a remote controel truck. How you are Santa? How are the reindeer so far? I will leave you milk and cookies thank you! Your Friend, Axel Hass
Dear Santa, my name is Blaxen. How are the reindeer? May I have a new Avenger toys and a new Android phone and may I have a BB Gun? Last Christmas I saw the Milk and Cookies and the carrots eaten. Merry Christmas. From, Blaxen Ruediger
Dear Santa, my name is Anastyn. How are you? I would like a real Baby doll and a Paci for it thank you. I am in 2nd grade at Roseau. I would also like a new Barbie Drem House. Thank you Santa. Merry Christmas Love, Anastyn Loken
Dear Santa, my name is Lauren Paulson How are you? For Christmas I wold like a Amarican Girl Doll. Have you seen our Elf? I hope the raindeer are doing well. I wold also like an Amarican girl doll camper! And a gizmo. Merry Christmas and thank you! Love, Lauren Paulson
Dear Santa, my name is Mason. How are you? I would like a black VR. Do your reindeer like carrots? If they do I will put them by the cookies. I am in 2nd grade at Roseau. I would also like a remote control Hellicopter. Thank you and Merry Christmas! From, Mason Jennings
Dear Santa, Hi my name is piper, for Christmas I would like an American Girl Doll Hotel and earbuds. How are your reindeer especially Rudolph? How is mrs. Clause doing? I would also like a purple Vr too! Merry Christmas! Love, Piper Jacobson
Dear Santa, my name is Hannah. I am in 2nd grade. May I please have a Blaire Family Farm Restaurant? Are you busy making toys? Have you seen my elf buddy? How is Mrs. Clause? I hope you have an outstanding Christmas! I will leve you milk and cookies! Merry Christmas! Love, Hannah Swanson
Dear Santa, Hi! My name is Eli I am in 2nd grade at Roseau. I woud like a phone. I woud like a new fortnite game. I would also like an Ipad. I hope you have a great time giving people presents. Merry Christmas! Your friend, Eli Nichols
Dear Santa, my name is Paige. How are you? I would like to have gray slippers. Have you seen our elf buddy? I am in 2nd grade. I would like to have chocolate too please. Could I have an American Girl Doll hotel. I will leave you some cookies and milk. Your friend, Paige Hovda
Dear Santa, my name is Rikki. Can I plese have a Barbie and can I please have an Elsa Barbie House? And can I please have a Barbie for my sister Kami? Thank you Santa. Merry Christmas! Love, Rikki Mosher
Julie Urness, Grade 3
Dear Santa, Hi, Santa How is everyone doing up there? For Christmas, could I please have a Nitendo switch and pok’eman sword and shield for some games on the Nitendo switch? I really think my sister would like something to do with Frozen 11. My brother probably would like a race car and a racecar track. For my Parents I’ll do something special and I’ll do the same for my grand Parents. Just so you know we are having Christmas at our cabin. Just like last year. I’ll be the best I can this Christmas. I think this will be the best Christmas ever! I hope you have a good Christmas! Sincerely, Ty James Johnson
Dear Santa, I want an I Pod for Christmas. My brother wants a phone for Christmas. I want to know if you can leave a letter to my mom and dad by the tree? In my baby brothers’s stocking, please leave a present fro my mom and dad! That will made my mom and dad’s day. Sincerely, Conway Pagett
Dear Santa, Is that elf on the shelf real in Mrs. Urness’s class? If it is please respond! Where did you get those reindeer? Would you please get me Gravatrax? and I don’t know is you can do this, but can you bring my Grandma back alive? I beg you. Or at least something to remembrt her. And I forgot to tell you, can you get me some lineors? and lots if Legos! (And some surprises.) Love, Luke Miller
Dear Santa, I hope you are ok? It’s that time of year again! Wow! Can I have one thing, just one? If you say yes, I would like a 24” Momitor. I hope it’s not too much? My sisters and brother might want something too! My brother might want a cohsok and my sisters will want dolls. Sincerely, Kyle Dickson
Dear Santa, This year I would like a Polaroid Camera and soft ballcleats becaus this summer I am going to play Soft Ball! I also want my own Razer or Ranger becaus I am almost old enough so that I can drive it myself! I am 9 1/2 years old and i can’t wait until Christmas! Your Friend, Brylie Petersburg.
Dear Santa, I don’t know what I want for Christmas. Well, I really want a puppy! But my dad is not ready for a puppy. So is Rudolph your favorit deer? How is Mrs.Claus?! Instead of a puppy, how about an art set? I love art sets! I also like to draw! When you come over to my house, I will leave you a big plate of cookies and fresh glass of milk!! Maybe I can see you this year! The other years, I tried to see you but I just fell asleep!! Love, Destiny Pearson
Dear Santa, I think I was pretty good this year. I want a mannequin or a drone that can go up walls. How are you this year? My dog Moses would reallyt like a good bone, and for my mom, she really needs a break from work. And I really really really want a new and biggger dog sled and a coat for Moses! Oh and by the way we moved! Merry Christmas! Sincerely, Avery Olson
Dear Santa, How are you? How old are Mrs. Claus and You? Is it cold at the North Pole? How are the reindeer? I will leave come carrots for the reindeer and milk and cookes for you. I wat a new Snowcat for me. Thank you for the presents! Merry Christmas. Sincerely, Bryden Diesen
Dear Santa, I have been very very good this year. How are things going at the North Pole? How is Mrs. Clause doing? My family is doing great this year tooo, especially my new baby brother. I wish I could get a hover board and a dirt bike. I hope you can get me these things for me! One thing can you get my Brother Riah a Buzz Light year toy, and my other Brother Asher a good toy truck to play with?
Your friend, Elijah Butler
Dear Santa, Hi! My name is Max. Can I have a toy Lamborghine? Also can I have a candy cane in my stocking? My Sister’s name is Lily. My Dads name is Matt. My Moms name is Bethany. How is Mrs. Claus doing? Merry christmas to you! Love, Max Erickson
Dear Santa, How old are Rudolph and Cupid? I will leave mild and cookies. I would like a hex bag and a givt card. Could I have lots of toys please? Your Friend, Jace Kombe
Dear Santa, How are you doing? Is Mrs. Claus making lots of cookies and wrapping gifts? How are the reindeer doing? For Christmas I’m going to leave you cookies and mild! I might give the reindeer carrots and Candy Canes! Chirstmas is my favorite time of the year. I really want Whowas books and the Gevonime Stillon books. Can you please give Sophie my dog some stuff? She has been a good girl! My family is going to my grandpa and grandma’s house in Strathcona.
Sincerely, Cali Restad
Dear Santa, I want minecraft for the xbox one and an xbox . One and an Ipad. Thak You Love Keilan McGuire
Dear Santa, I hope you have a good Christmas. If you could get me some colring stuff thta would be grat! I will leave some corrots for the riendeer and I wil give you the most important thing you get every year, cookies and milK! I hope you hang some candy canes on our tree. If my brothers are on the good list, please give them an xbox for Christmas. Have a great year! Your friend, Addison Grace Olson
Dear Santa, I would like a Roman Set of Armor and Shield. How do you know all the houses? My sister likes poley Pokiti. My Mom and dad would like a nice git. Can I have a note? I like star wars can I have a lot of Bebels and stormtroopers? Can I have a lot of Romemen Troops? My sister sould like a barbie doll play set. Your friend, Gabe Thomas
Dear Santa, I would like a slushie machine. That would taste so sood and be good mor my stomach! I would like lots of presents! I will give you and your reindeer lots of goodies. I forgot something I would like 2020 NHL for my PS4. My sister would like Frozen 2 because we both like it coould you and mrs. Claus give me a picture of the North Pole?Love, Carter Ziegler
Dear Santa, My name is Leva I am in 3rd grade Mrs. Urness is my teacher. She is nice. I am 8 years old and I have 2 sisters Anna, and Kara. I was wondering if you and your elves, reindeer, and Mrs. Claus re doiong good? OK now for Christmas, I would like new softball cleats. I like rainbows so rainbow corbrs would be nice. If you can not bring them I will take a KIY Craft kit. I love KIY Crafting it is so much fun! I think the Ulvins will leave cookies and carrots for the reindeers! Your friend, Leva Ulvin
Dear Santa, I’ve been wondering how you been dooing? First what I want for Christmas. OKAY I want a Gizmo and a laptop. I would appreciate it if you got me one! I think my dog wants stuff too. She just wants treats and toys. This year my family was great. One more thing I want is a VR head set but with the hands. How are your reindeer doing? Is Mrs. claus doing good? Your Friend Justyne Goetz
Dear Santa, How Is Mrs. claus doing? I want farm stuff for Christmas. How is Rudolph doing? I would also like art supplies for Christmas. Also, some slime Stuff would be nice. Your Friend Connor Weir
Dear Santa, How old are the reindeer? I want an Ipad and a gismo and a computer! How is Rudolph doing? Remember, I live in an apartment, so be quiet and don’t wake anybody! Your Friend, Addy Lussier
Dear Santa, This year I have ben very good. By the way how are all the reindeer? This Year I would like a make-up set and a nail paiting kit. I will be sure to leave some carrots for the reindeer and Milk and cookies for you! What did you and mrs. Claus do during the summer? I will be in Roseau MN for Christmas this year. I wish I could see you and the elves work in the factory and the reindeer fly through the sky! Merry Christmas Santa! Your Friend, Audrey Hayden
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like an xbox 1 and a i-phone 11. Ok, now I have a few questions. Do you actually send the elf on the shelf or do our parents buy them and move them? Does Rudolph actually have a red and glowing nose, or is that just a tall tale? In Iceland are the eleven yules real or fake? Are you even real?? because if you are HEAR THIS! I REALLY believe in you! OK ..Last question, do you travel all around the world in one night? If you do that’s impressive
Sincerely, Drew Knutson
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