Serving Roseau County for over 100 Years - The Official Roseau County Newspaper
#City of Roseau
Garon Lee Schumacher, Roseau, pled guilty to failure to yield when entering roadway and was fined $135. (Badge #1472)
Minnesota State Patrol
Joyce Annette Boroos, Badger, pled guilty to no seat belt and was fined $110. (Badge #108)
Kayla Ann Christianson, Warroad, was charged with failure to reduce speed until passed and was fined $135. (Badge #274)
Gage Allen Creekmore, Greenbush, pled guilty to speeding and was fined $225. (Badge #274)
Jacob Ryan Crist, Roosevelt, pled guilty to window tint and was fined $135. (Badge #108)
Lawrence Richard Gamache, Baudette, pled guilty to sp...
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