Serving Roseau County for over 100 Years - The Official Roseau County Newspaper

Court Report

Roseau County

Sheriff’s Dept.

Kyrsten Rochelle Haggan, Warroad, pled guilty to driving after revocation and was fined $285. (Badge #1925)

City of Roseau

Carson Wright Hovda, Roseau, pled guilty to 4th degree driving while impaired and was fined $1,260. Local confinement of 90 days, stay 90 days for 1 year with one year of unsupervised probation. Had a charge of failure to submit to chemical test dismissed.

Jailyn Elizabeth Rahier, Warroad, pled guilty to hands-free law and was fined $135. (Badge #1465)

Minnesota State Patrol

Melissa Kay Brandt, Roseau, pled guilty to open bottle and was fined...


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