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by Jeff Olsen

The August 11 deadline to file for mayor and two Roseau City Council positions in the November General Election will see two council members running unopposed.

Jane Evans, with more than four years on the council, and Pat Novacek, who has served upwards of 16 years, will be sworn in January 2021.

Mayor Jeff Pelowski did not file. After 11 terms and 22 years in office, he wants to cut back on his responsibilities.

"He's done a great job," said Jane Evans this past Wednesday..

Yes, the job can be a headache, but Jeff Pelowski laughs often during city council meetings while singling out council members, especially Brady Johnson, who has often said how much he appreciates the mayor's talents and dedication.

It's time to give Mayor Pelowski peace of mind by taking him off the hook. Yes, he might stick around, but that's only if others don't start a write-in campaign for any of the many dedicated and public-minded city residents.

Why not a woman?

The better question is whether there has ever been a Madame Mayor of Roseau.

Actually, it's an open position for a talented person, either male or female, who wants to lead the City of Roseau for the next four years.

In 1999, Mayor Pelowski was 39 when he was first sworn in. He had to learn the ropes and was assisted by many capable council members.

Following the 2002 Roseau flood, the mayor proved to be a highly successful advocate for flood relief from various governmental agencies - state and federal.

Eighteen years later, there are new challenges, mainly the pandemic and economic recovery.

Take the Challenge

There is no filing fee now. As a write-in candidate, you need to get friends and neighbors to write-in your name on the General Election ballot under Roseau City Offices - Mayor.

The salary is $4,800 a year and an additional $50 for every special meeting.

If you are 21 and over (there is no age limit as long as you don't fall asleep during meetings or begin babbling about when there was no indoor plumbing), then you are qualified to become the next mayor of the City of Roseau.

There is considerable homework - along with dedication, responsibility, and good public relation skills.

Good Luck!


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