Serving Roseau County for over 100 Years - The Official Roseau County Newspaper

Court Report

Roseau County

Sheriff’s Dept.

Jeanene Renee Jackson, Grifton, N.C., pled guilty to speeding and was fined $125. (Badge #1928)

Desmond King, Cincinnati, Ohio, pled guilty to driving without valid license and speeding and was fined $225. (Badge #1929)

Dwight John Stevenson, pled guilty to possession of drugs in the 5th degree and was fined $210. Commit to Commissioner of Corrections for 12 months 1 day, stay for 3 years with three years of unsupervised probation. Had a charge of possession of drugs in the 2nd degree dismissed.

Roseau Police Dept.

Troy Carl Olson, Roseau, pled guilty to public nu...


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