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5 years ago – Nov. 26, 2016
Carol Amundson of Roseau won the quilt at United Lutheran Church in Gatzke, which was made by Sharon Spandl
An open house 90th birthday party for William Krzoska was scheduled at the Four Seasons Center in Roseau on December 11.
Phyllis Odegaard was celebrating her 90th birthday on December 10 with an open house at Messiah Lutheran Church.
Dana Schwerin was the new stylist/eyelash technician at Head 2 Toe Salon and Spa.
10 years ago – Nov. 26, 2011
Tracey Wensloff was the 2012 Roseau Teacher of the Year.
Annies Trading Post in Roseau was celebrating fifteen years in business on Thanksgiving weekend.
A benefit for Lona McDaniels was to be held on December 1 at the Roseau American Legion. A spaghetti dinner was to be served and a free-will offering was accepted.
The Roseau Ram Girls Hockey Team defeated International Falls 7-1. Goals were scored by Katlyn Byfuglien (3), Ashley Kompelien, Karlie Hedlund (2) and Adelle Murphy. Bridget Slater and Breanna Cooper shared goalie duties.
2011 Rams Volleyball award winners were Ericka Beito, Heather Nelson, Emily Jerome, Michelle Larson, Madison Millner, Kasady Moser and Katlyn Bufuglien.
25 years ago – Dec. 2, 1996
Pam Klema was opening a coffee bar and gift boutique, Capella, in Roseau.
Thirty-five years ago, Myron Dieter’s family left Roseau and ventured to Montana and then Bismarck N.D. Now Myron Dieter has returned to Roseau and opened a branch of the Investment Center in the Klema Mall.
The Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission awarded $100,000 to Roseau in round three of the “Mighty Ducks” ice arena construction grants.
Lundsay Pladson, Megan Taylor and Sara Lundbohm were named all conference players in volleyball.
Roseau Volleyball Coach Sherry Staff completed her third year as the volleyball coach and has compiled a record of 80 wins and 10 losses. The only thing missing was a trip to the state tournament.
The Roseau Ram boy hockey team opened their season with a 6-0 win over Thief River Falls. Scoring for Roseau were Jesse Modahl, Trevor Hammer, Dave Lundbohm, Jacob Draeger (2) and Neal Vatnsdal.
Lance Nocacek and Aaron Hokanson were named MVP’s of the Ram Football Team this year.
The Roseau Holiday went through extensive remodeling and was featuring not only Hot Stuff Pizza, but a Taco Bell.
Roseau Area Friends of the Library 1996 Share-A-Book Photo contest winners were the Jeff and Sara Olson Family with their photo “Bedtime for Baby Bop” in first place and “Emily’s Favorite Book” submitted by Mary Bergland in second place.
40 years ago – Nov. 25, 1981
Walter Storey was named Roseau School District’s Teacher of the Year candidate.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hart of Roseau announced the birth of twin sons, Andrew James Hart and Anthony William Hart, on November 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morrissey were honored on their 25th wedding anniversary at an open house held at the Gatzke School gymnasium.
Members of the Roseau Girls Basketball Team were Roberta Thacker, Lisa Pederson, Meg Derry, Lisa Temple, Lori Gislason, Shelly Moren, Sheryl Byfuglien, Lotta Loven, Kelly Wagner, Lynette Anderson, Susan Wagner, Stephanie Grahn, Joyce Dahl, Sandy Austin and Verna Grafstrom.
Members of the Warroad Girls Basketball Team were Lisa Biondi, Kris Cran, Kristen Bjorkman, Joyce Rinkenberger, Robin Marvin, Janet Marvin, Renee Ehlers and Polly Haggan.
50 years ago – Nov. 25, 1971
Mr. and Mrs. Newell Dunham of Wannaska announced the birth of another grandson, born to Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Hoganson of Minneapolis on November 13.
Karolyn Dahlgren of Roseau was assigned as a student teacher at Lakota, North Dakota, by the North Dakota State University College of Home Economics.
A young Ross man, Sheldon Larson, was accidentally shot in the upper left arm while hunting with a 22 rifle. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Larson of Ross was hit with the bullet when a companion shot and the bullet ricocheted.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hedlund of Roseau announced the engagement of their daughter Joyce, to Philip Olson, son of Mr. & Mrs. Albert Olson of Pitt. An April wedding was planned.
Roseau County Students attending the University of North Dakota were Roseau: Earl Anderson, William Beaman, Frank Carver, Madelyn Dahl, Deborah Delmore, Timothy Delmore, Kent Langlie, Joanne Larson, Michael Lundbohn, Gary Ross; Salol: David Ellis: Warroad: James Blakorby, Steven Landby and Anthony Stukel.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland K. Wensloff of Roseau announced the birth of a daughter on November 15.
Mr. and Mrs David S. Lee of Roseau announced the birth of a son on November 13.
75 years ago – Nov. 28, 1946
Roseau High School gridders receiving football letters were Joel Meade, Ray Baumgartner, Harry Dahl, Wesley Olson, Jerome Dokken, Ward Wenner, Charles Delmore, Herbert Minarik, Lloyd Michal, Lowell Ulvin, Dale Kverno, Allan Sonsteng, Ruben Bjorkman, George Peterson, Edward Schwarz and Gale Mitchell.
Roseauites on the Gopher hockey squad were Willard Anderson, Jim Alley, Rudy Meyer, Bob Harris, Ed. Broughton and Kenny Austin.
Mr. And Mrs. Clifford Hagen of Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sorteberg of Roseau announced the birth of sons this past week.
Miss Vilma Rosen and Earl V. Rugland of Jadis were united in marriage on November 21.
Miss Norma Larson and Dean Thompson exchanged wedding vows in a double ring ceremony on November 22 at Bethel Mission Covenant Church in Falun.
Mrs. O.F. Nelson took a fall near Nelson’s Garage and broke both bones in her right ankle and was laid up with her fractured limb in a cast.
A baptismal service was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Anderson for their infant daughter, Marilyn Jean. Attendants were Mr. & Mrs. Elvin Hedlund and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnson.
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