Serving Roseau County for over 100 Years - The Official Roseau County Newspaper
5 years ago – Feb. 25, 2017
Roseau Ram basketball player Kiley Borowicz scored her 3000th varsity point in her career. Kiley was the 18th athlete in Minnesota history to surpass the 3000 point mark. Roseau was the only school to have two athletes reach that mark, the other being Megan Taylor.
Earning first place in the Northerns division at the Wannaska Lions Club’s 20th Annual Hayes Lake State Park Fishing Derby was Elizabeth Housker (12 lb. 4 oz.) followed by Drake Thompson (11 lb. 3 oz.) and Rick Bergstrom (10 lb. 15 oz.).
The Roseau Ram girls hockey team was heading to State after a 3-2 (4...
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