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Judge Dixon will marry you for free

by Jeff Olsen

On Thursday, June 20, in Courtroom One at the Roseau County Courthouse, you won't have to cough up a C note or even a 50 dollar bill before you are pronounced man and wife.

It's on the house.

There's no charge for the wedding ceremony.

This past Tuesday morning, Judge Donna Dixon explained that it's like a public service project that some of the judges are performing around the state.

"It's just to provide free weddings," she said, not mentioning if anyone would be appearing in handcuffs.

"They have to pay for the marriage license, but they don't have to pay for me."

How's the response been?

"I had three, but I lost one. They split up, so I've got two for sure. And then I have another possibility," she said, adding that a couple has inquired.

"But we haven't got that set up for sure yet."

Initially, the deadline to notify her law clerk was by June 3. That deadline has passed.

"We will still accept couples as long as we have time to. So, the deadline is Monday, June 17."

They will need to secure a marriage license at the Roseau County Auditor-Treasurer's Office.

They won't have time for the cheaper marriage certificate because the state requires 12 meetings with a member of the clergy, and the price of good counsel is $40.

Otherwise, the cost is $115 for the privilege of marrying the greatest love of your life, and it won't be in some drab courtroom where Uncle Louie got nailed for driving without a seatbelt.

"We're planning on having some light refreshments, hopefully some music, and there'll be some decorations."

An added benefit will be the press coverage by the Roseau Times-Region if the lovebirds prefer to share their special day.

Judge Dixon will be very accommodating on their special day.

"I have some standard vows, but if they want me to do personalized vows, I'll do that."

Otherwise, Judge Dixon will use two standardized vows.

"There's one with rings and one without rings."

They need to sign up by June 17 and bring two witnesses on their very special day.


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