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The Mall of America is an American icon at this point. With 5.6 million square feet it was the largest mall in the world but now falls behind the current largest mall in the world which is in China. The new South China Mall has 6.46 million square feet. It looks like a spaceship.
Some of the stats behind malls of these sizes are amazing. According to its website the Mall of America cost $650 million dollars to build in 1990s dollars. It has 520 businesses and even has its own zip code. Forty million people visit it per year which is large than Canada. An estimated 1.2 billion people have visited the mall since it opened 30 years ago.
Although the Mall of America seems to still be thriving any day of the week, most smaller malls are closing and have become ghost towns. I watched a YouTube video on the Burnsville Center mall in the southern part of the Twin Cities. I went to high school there in the 1980s and it was the place to be and hang out as a teenager. The food court looked like a large school cafeteria except with much better food. Burnsville Center was for a time, before the Mall of America, the largest mall in Minnesota with 1.1 million square feet and 150 stores. There's a YouTube channel that has walkthroughs of "dead malls." Most of them are completely closed and falling apart, providing for a ghostly experience as they film and walk around. Some are still open with just a few stores still running but mostly boarded up store fronts. Burnsville Center just joined the latter category. It's still open but now according to its website only has about 40 stores open with over 100 closed. Internet shopping seems to have done its work. If you find joy in walking through dead malls, which apparently has a large internet following, head over to Dead Malls on YouTube and search for Burnsville Center.
Save Democracy!
The "save democracy" democrats are now trying to add seats and term limits to the Supreme Court because they have to have something to cry about. They're also trying to take powers away from the Presidency before the "Walking Dead" actor leaves the White House. They know Kamala has no chance of winning so weakening the presidency and changing the Constitution for political gain over political enemies is their fail safe option. It's not going to work. It's a republican house so it's all just show and election year politics, but to see the democrats descend into sheer paranoia at a guy who didn't have Russia invade Ukraine, didn't have Hamas butchering Israeli children, not having Yemeni rebels attacking shipping lanes, having a great US economy, no invasion at the border, and the world just generally not falling apart you'd think any red-blooded American would be happy to see the "save democracy hypocrites" shown the exit. But they're democrats and they hate America. What kind of a demented party would have a platform of being against Making America Great? If Martin Luther King Jr came back from the dead and saw the state of today's democrat party, he'd change his speech to "I have seen the promised land, and it ain't Kamala Harris and the democrat party dividing and pitting Americans against each other on race and gender."
Put our worst agents on protecting Trump
The diversity and equity Secret Service director was sacrificed at the altar of democrat expediency and blame shifting for the sorry state of our federal government agencies. The democrats created an environment of prioritizing 30% women in the Secret Service instead of on merit. Percentages of gender in such things that warrant merit and competency should be irrelevant. It's nice to have the best of the best protecting important people and the pathetic display the Secret Service showed at the Trump assassination attempt was anything but. President Trump is a very tall man and having a couple women who are two heads shorter than him escorting him off the stage was pathetic. There are a few women out there that would be tall and strong enough for such duty, but instead we had short women fumbling with their guns unable to holster them looking like Keystone Cops. But that's the world we live in under democrats. Competency and getting important jobs on merit falls behind the race and gender priorities of democrat leadership. But apparently the former Secret Service director herself only got the job because she "protected" Jill Biden at one time. "I'll get more of us women into the Secret Service Jill! Hire me!" says the future hand picked director while Jill responds with, "that's awesome to promote democrat values like that, my little minion, but as far as Joe and I please protect us with Secret Service men who are taller and stronger than us. Give those short women who fumble their guns to Trump."
There are a lot of questions surrounding a 20-year-old guy with zero social media presence who was able to bypass security with a rangefinder, an explosives transmitter, and a long gun. But of course that's all just conspiracy talk according to democrats. Whatever the case may be, there are things that are certain. Like Trump having insufficient and bottom of the barrel Secret Service details along with rhetoric that he's a Nazi dictator destroying democracy. Democrats showed fake sympathy for the assassination attempt the day it happened but let's be real. They were totally bummed out he was only shot in the ear. According to one poll as many as one-third of democrats agreed with the statement "I wish Trump's assassin hadn't missed."
The Demonic Supper
I remember watching the Olympics. I don't know who still does, but you've got more solid reasons not to especially if you're a Christian. The official opening ceremonies in France opened with a mock ceremony of The Last Supper with drag queens playing Jesus and the disciples. It's practically forgotten news now compared to what would have happened if they had opened the ceremony with comparing the Prophet Mohammad to Satan. We won't see Christians walking into news agencies and gunning people down over cartoon depictions of Jesus as happened in France a few years ago when someone drew a cartoon picture of Mohammad and Islamic terrorists shot and killed people over it. We also won't see Christians going into a Paris concert hall killing hundreds of people with machine guns and grenades as also happened there a few years ago by Islamic terrorists. What is it about Jesus that it's OK to mock Him in such a way and the world looks the other way and even laughs about it? But Jesus can take it. The world mocked Him, beat Him, and watched Him slowly die nailed to a cross while in the midst of such a thing asking God to forgive them for doing it. Why does the world hate good and embrace evil? John 15:18-19
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