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50 years ago… The Warroad Hotel was torn down

5 years ago – Aug. 31, 2019

Robert Francis Foley, 91 and a semi-retired Roseau banker, was inducted into the Roseau Community School Hall of Fame.

It was the 10th anniversary of the “Walk to Remember” started by Paula Peterson and Jill Wulff. The “Walk to Remember” raises money or Alzheimer’s research and to help local families struggling with Alzheimer’s.

Celebrating their August birthdays at the Four Seasons Senior Center were Marjorie Hellquist, Loretta Goos, Marion Solom, Shirley Fugleberg, Rosella Knochenmus, Judy Hites, Memorie Toft, Palmer Norberg and Joanne Vistad.

Local students who graduated from NDSU in summer 2019 were Karlie Eaton of Roseau and Danielle Mary Knott from Warroad.

10 years ago – Aug. 30, 2014

A big birthday party at Oakcrest celebrated Lorraine Sonsteng and Evelyn Sonsteng’s 90th and 95th birthdays.

Layton Oslund was celebrating his 80th birthday on September 6 at the Wannaska Community Center.

The 2014 Roseau High School Trap Team Browning gun raffle winners were Christy Sullivan and Ruth Ann Tronnes.

Winners in the Oakcrest Golf Course Club tournament were: Men’s Championship Flight-Jared Strand, Women’s Championship Flight-Emily Hallie, Junior Boys-Joe Vatnsdal, Executive Flight-Don Ross, President’s Flight- Andy Jenson, Men’s Senior Flight- Dr. Rob Larson, First Flight- Mike Johnson, Second Flight-Josh Sunsdahl, Third Flight-Mike Vacura, Fourth Flight-Terry Hanson and Fifth Flight-Luther Johnson.

Brady Johnson and Emily Beito were married on August 16 at Moe Lutheran Church in Roseau.

Members of the Roseau Ram Varsity girls tennis team were Jodi Ostroski, Josee Lundgren, Juli Miller, Kate Wensloff, Haley Ostgaard, Lauren Johnson, Marrisa Jevne, Emily Skoglund, Sarina Goos, Heather Fettig and Madi Lee.

25 years ago – Aug. 28, 1999

UND hockey coach Dean Blais, Rick, Bernie and Frank Burggraf took second place at the 5th Annual Larry Sing Golf Classic to raise money for the ALS Association.

Gordon and Betty Sulland wer celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary with an open house on September 12 at Moe Lutheran Church in Roseau.

Bob and Janet Lundbohm of Roseau were celebrating 25 years of marriage on August 31.

King’s Grooming and Pet Supply was having their grand opening on August 30. The business was located at the 7th Street Plaza in Roseau.

Border State Bank was the 1999 ladies league team champions at Oakcrest Golf Course. Team members were Rhonda Biermaier, Selma Swanson, Karri Rugland, Mary Jane Broten, Julie Pahlen and Brenda Dahl.

The new dental hygienist at Dr. Phil Sallberg’s office was Roseau High School graduate Jason Stromstad.

Members of Roseau’s 14-15 year old Babe Ruth baseball team who earned third place at state were Mike Welch, Aaron Cardinal, Anders Grafstrom, Ryan Stromlund, Brannon Anderson, Barry Gruchow, Ross Olson, Brian Hites, Will Leetch, Willie Swanson, Joey Benke, Keith Vatnsdal, Joe Adams, Donald Montry, Jude Parrill and Steve Mason.

40 years ago – Aug. 29, 1984

Deb Grittner was hired as the new Branch Librarian for the Roseau County Library

The Roseau police officers along with law enforcement officers throughout the state of Minnesota were distributing Minnesota Vikings football cards with crime prevention tips for the next 18 weeks.

Commercial fishing ends at Rocky Point. This means the loss of the family business owned by Eddie and Steve Arneson. The business was originally licensed to Lawrence and Clarence Arneson and Jack Arneson had a helpers license.

Ruby Peterson was the winner of $100 in “Roseau Dough”.

Steve Andresen was recently hired by the City of Roseau for the position of community and regional planner.

Local graduates of Moorhead State were Kathy Renae Losse, Vernell Grafstrom and Debra Kay Grittner of Roseau County.

Peter Joseph Grafstrom of Salol was accepted as a student at the University of Minnesota-Crookston.

William David Schafer of Strathcona and Margaret Mary Nelson of Strathcona were married on August 18 with Father Gary LaMoine officiating.

Children recently baptized at Bethesda Lutheran Church in Skime on August 19 were Joshua Duane and Jacqueline Marie, children of Randy and Sheri Loken; and Jeremy Alan, son of Tom and Kathy Olson.

Citizens State Bank were the winners in the Men’s Fastpitch play-offs. Team members were Keith Haugen, Doug Magnusson, Lynn Larson, Jeff (Squeek) Olson, Earl Anderson, Sheldon Vatnsdal, Bernie (Krunk) Foss, Scott Habstritt and Dale Smedsmo.

50 years ago –Aug. 29, 1974

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Larson noted a half-century of life together at their golden wedding anniversary held in Zion Lutheran Church in Warroad.

The Bert Steele, which has plied Lake of the Woods for many years under Captain Lawrence Saurdiff, was headed for the Northwest Angle where its new owner, George Risser, lives.

Lightning hit the homes of Robert Hetteen of Malung and Nester Sovde of Greenbush.

New teachers in the Roseau School system were Ardys Grandstrand, Mrs. Gene Fichter, Mrs. Stephen Hetteen, Marsha Dahlgren, Mrs. Louis Hermansen, Susan Mattson, Terry Taylor and Bob Frerker.

The new rate for school lunches in Roseau was 50 cents.

Mr. and Mrs. Monte Johnson of Roseau announced the birth of a daughter, Stacey Ann Johnson, born August 18.

Wayne Dahl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Dahl of Roseau, was recovering from an accident in which his lungs, nose and throat were injured in a propane gas tank blast. He can only eat soft food for a time.

Ground beef sold for 78¢ a pound at Town and Country in Roseau.

The landmark Warroad Hotel, the scene of many occasions in Warroad’s history, was being torn down.

75 years ago – Sept. 1, 1949

Mr. H.L. Carlson who is building on the former Husby site in Roseau announced he would not only have an auto repair and service station, plus a propane gas office and supply business, but would also have a Hudson automobile dealership.

The Robertson Style Shop in Roseau was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Almer Bakken of Fosston. They will open a ready to wear store in the Robertson building.

Gloriann Sillerud was the 1949 winner of the Harvest Harmony Scholarship Award.

Miss Eleanor Beimer and Cal Marvin were wed on August 17 in a lawn ceremony in Detroit Lakes. Parents of the couple were Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Beimer of Detroit Lakes and Mr. and Mrs. George Marvin of Warroad.

Confirmed recently in Salem Church in Malung were LaMae Bratting, Geraldine Bratting, Darlene Dybedahl, Facola Erickson and Arden Moe.

A rock picking machine was invented by Herman Fredric Doebler of Roosevelt. Application for patent was made.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Starren of Roseau announced the birth of a son, born at the Budd Hospital.

Allan Eldore Hetteen and Gertrude Alma Erickson applied for a marriage permit on August 27.


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