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Most of the white grains are now in the bin or grain sock. Those long white tubes now scattered around here and there seem to be getting more popular every year. The farmers that use them keep using them so that kind of speaks for itself. By the looks of all the corn and soybeans out there one can not help but think southern Minnesota has moved north. Way north.
Is it a wonderment that the big debate was held 9-10 with the twenty third anniversary of 9-11 leaving the debate somewhere in the shadows? Love them or hate them, today’s liberal left democrats never miss a chance to cheat Camella’s audio earring gave her coaches every opportunity to tell her what to say. Being friends with the owner of ABC didn’t hurt either. If the debate would have been a boxing match it would have been three against one in the ring.
Trump was fact-checked instantly every time he said something. Camella was given free rein to lie as much as she wanted to. Surprise surprise! The left’s goal for the evening was to get under Trump’s skin. He controlled his anger very well under the circumstance. More conservatives watching were probably less able to control theirs. 9-11 might be a good day for T.V. sales. There were most likely things thrown at a few. The liberals will always be liberals pretty much no matter what. Same can be said for conservatives. It is being said that undecided voters and swing voters will decide this election. The dems lies, cheating, and ganging up on Trump were so obvious that a lot of them just might have decided. The question of how many democrats does it take to change a light bulb explains it perfectly. Zero. Camella said she fixed it so they sit in the dark and applaud. Sad but true.
Socialism has a dark history of being built on lies and broken promises. If the shoe fits. The scariest part of 9-11 is that only nineteen terrorists pulled it off. How many of the millions of illegals on our soil right now are as bad or worse than the nineteen? Our country is in very deep serious trouble and many are unaware or could care less. China, Russia, and North Korea are now getting friendly with each other. There is no possible way this is going to end well.
On a different subject, why was the Georgia school shooter on the FBI watch list for over a year? Why were his mother’s phone calls to the school warning them of her son’s intent the morning of not acted on? Maybe the FBI and DOJ should quit investigating Russia and trying to find something on Trump, and put America first. Trump said that if Harris is elected, Israel will be no more in two years. The smart money would say the USA won’t be either.
Sheldon Larson
P.S. Politicians are like diapers. They need to be changed often for the same reason.
P.S.S. Warren Buffet said that anytime the deficit is more than three percent of G.D.P. all members of congress should be ineligible for re-election.
P.S.S.S. A school resource officer shut down the Georgia shooter. We need a few welltrained and armed people in each and every one of our schools. A good guy with a gun is the only sure way to stop a bad guy with a gun.
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