Serving Roseau County for over 100 Years - The Official Roseau County Newspaper
Cast of Characters:
Fred Olson: (Joe’s dad Bill Olson’s brother)
Julie: (Me) Now an Olson :)
Joe: (Olson) Julie’s new husband
Londa:(Olson):(Julie’s daughter, Married to Marlin another Olson)
Deb Kuck: (Joe’s sister was an Olson)
Adam Kuck: (Deb’s husband) inferred with no comments.
Renee Olson: (Joe’s mom)
Group Text in Facebook:
Fred: It is nice that you are related to your daughter again. But it was inevitable. My father’s parents came to this country as Olsons. My mother’s father came to this country and stopped at Ellis island. They asked him his name. I’m Charlie. Charlie who? Charlie, O...
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