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We All Have Choices

When I was nine (1959) my mom left. Divorce wasn’t like today. I felt worthless for many years. One day my pastor told me God created me. I was not worthless to Him. Everyone is important to Him. We are also important to each other. Yesterday I was at a relative’s room, going to die in the hospital. Within a couple of hours he died. The rest of us that are still alive have choices to make. They are important choices each and every day. My hopelessness and worthlessness went away with 18 wheels and a chrome stack. This is a long way around but I have to say we have to care about each other. Voting our conscience is very important. It is about all some of us can do to have a little say in this country. As our health declines I’m hoping we can say we all did our part in keeping this country free. Working, loving each other, keeping our country in good condition is hard like a marriage but in the end it is worth it helping each other.

Ralph Lian



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