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75 years ago… The Swenson and Lee families travel to Sweden

5 years ago – Aug. 11, 2018

Robyn Wiskow reached the personal milestone of 40 years of employment at Citizens State Bank in Roseau.

A climbing wall was recently installed in the Roseau School swimming pool. Patrons could climb the wall and drop into the deep end of the pool.

Russ and Rose Ellen Iverson were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on August 25 at their “Cabin” in Badger.

Named a 2018 Minnesota Farm Family of the Year by the University of Minnesota’s Farm Family Recognition Program were Clair and LaVonne Knudson of Warroad.

The Make a Difference: ALS Walk/Run in Roseau raised $28,000 for ALS.

10 years ago – Aug. 10, 2013

Gwynne Roadfelt was the winner of the Roseau County Historical Society and Museum’s iPad mini raffle.

Celebrating their July birthdays at the Four Seasons Senior Center were Pastor Lou Hermansen, Arlette Solom and Glen Dahl.

Mountain, N.D. recently celebrated its Icelandic heritage. Roseau has been the recipients of some of its finest people. Bob Eastman came over here and raised his family and became the first person in the United States to enter the Snowmobiling Hall of Fame. Buddy Magnusson, a local farmer and Fair Board Chairman was Icelandic and the Vatnsdal family are prominent Icelandic people.

25 years ago – Aug. 8, 1998

The new Magnusson Seed Production Farm, located north of Roseau was to be dedicated by the University of Minnesota on August 12. An open house was to be held at this time.

Nathan Gustafson of Roseau was the recipient of a $500 Auto Value Associates, Inc. scholarship for the upcoming year.

An open house 80th birthday bash for Bess Halvorson was to be held at the United Methodist Church in Roseau on August 9.

A 60th wedding anniversary open house for Rudy and Lillian Johnson was to be held on August 15 at the Roseau Evangelical Covenant Church.

The 16th annual Pioneer Farm Festival was scheduled for August 22-23 at the Pioneer Farm and Village, located two miles west of Roseau.

Members of the Roseau Legion baseball team were Ryan Halvorson, Josh Olson, Jesse Hendrickson, Pete Erickson, Parry Eidsmoe, Ryan Fevold, Tony Erickson, Justin Oster, Casey Thompson, Devyn Brandt, Aaron Degerness, Dustin Mertens, Robbie Lundbohm, Mark Fabian and Nathan Lee.

Lowell Nelson of Roseau and Jared VonEnde of Badger were accepted at Alexandria Technical College for the 1998-99 school year.

40 years ago – Aug. 10, 1983

Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Dalager observed their golden wedding anniversary on July 24 in Wannaska.

A Roseau man, Larry Alan Konickson, 22, was killed in a car rollover at Warroad on August 3. Badly injured in the rollover was Myron James Connell III, 19, of Roseau.

Gust Wettestad of Roseau was 101 years of age on August 6. He was still sharp and hearty and lived with his wife at his home in Roseau.

Craig Allan Baumgartner and Monica Mary Kees of Roseau applied for a marriage license on July 28.

Miss Carol Jean Goos of Roseau and Bruce Alan Guy of Mahnomen exchanged marriage vows recently at Messiah Lutheran Church in Roseau.

50 years ago –

Not Available.

75 years ago – Aug. 12, 1948

The healthiest 4-H Club girl in the County was Joan Smith of the Algoma Club of the Warroad community. Marjorie Fugleberg of the Jadis Club was the runner-up.

The Lundbohm Druggists defeated Salol 6-2 to win the Commercial Softball League title.

Miss June Hansel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hansel of Roseau and the winner of the recent statewide “Search for Talent” contest was to sing with the St. Paul Symphony Orchestra on August 21.

Richard V. Swenson, four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Swenson of Roseau, died from diphtheria. Three other children in the family were ill from the disease. The family had recently returned from a stay in southern Sweden and were getting settled in their new home in Morningside Addition, east of the school house.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lee and son Kenneth of the Ross Community left for Minneapolis and from there would go on to New York to sail on August 13 on the Gripsholm for Gottenborg, Sweden. From there they would travel to Norway and would return next spring.

Otis Norman moved the two-room Brandt school house north of the Albert Brandt farm to its site in the townsite of Malung across from the Baptist Church.


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