Serving Roseau County for over 100 Years - The Official Roseau County Newspaper

New for 2023

• Hunters who purchase an archery deer license may take deer with a crossbow throughout the archery deer season. Archery hunters may be asked at registration if they harvested their deer with a crossbow or vertical bow. Crossbow users must be 10 or older.

• Blaze orange is required on all ground blinds used at any time on public land.

• Deer permit area 343 is now 643, deer permit area 344 is now 644 and deer permit area 184 is now 684. All have been added to the CWD management zone.

• DPA 644 has a two-deer limit of which only one can be a legal buck. It also has a one buck per year limit, different from surrounding 600 management zone DPAs that have a one buck per season limit.

• Members of a hunting party may not tag a legal buck or antlerless deer for any member of their party hunting with a youth license.

• Portable deer stands may be left overnight in certain wildlife management areas in the northwest (PDF).

• A licensed hunter who lawfully harvests an escaped farmed deer or elk is not liable to the owner but they must notify the DNR within 24 hours. If you harvest a deer or elk with ear tags or other identification, contact a conservation officer.

• Hunters may only possess and use nontoxic ammunition when participating in a special hunt or disease management hunt in a Minnesota state park or Scientific and Natural Area or in a regular hunt in a Scientific and Natural Area in which hunting is allowed.


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