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Mykenna Berg-Grengs
Mrs. Olsen
Veteran Narrative
The person that I had chosen for this narrative would be my aunt, Melody. She has been in the military for over 20 years and has a family too as well. She grew up in a home with a lot of siblings and usually her dad. Her mom didn't live with her dad so she would go back and forth. She is one of the oldest of about 7 children. She has not lived with most of them though due to the difference in ages. She has 3 children and a loving husband in texas right now. She tends to travel a lot in the US so it is kinda hard to know where she lives. Her family hasn’t seen her that often due to working in the military.
She was in her early twenties when she joined the military, so for most of her life, it has been like that. It has been challenging for her when she first joined because a lot of women didn’t join the military as she did. A lot of men would tease her for it or make fun of her. Though she did not give up on this job. She worked hard and did her best to prove them all wrong. Now they respect her more although some of them still say something about it. It is hard for her to try and take care of her children and work in the military at the same time so her husband is the one that takes care of them the most.
She travels a lot for this job as well. The home that she has is given by the military due to the traveling part. She used to live in Georgia for a year and then moved to Texas for at least 3 years. That is the longest she has stayed in a state for the longest time. Personally, I have not seen my aunt at all but my mom says she is an amazing person.
Her part of her job in the military is in combat. She knows how to fight the right way and how to operate guns. She spends her days in her workforce for about 7-10 hours a day training and practicing combat. I’m not sure when she will stop working there but I believe that she won’t stop until she has to for medical issues or old age. She loves her job very much and puts a lot of time into it so she doesn’t want to leave it. She encourages her children to go into the military as well but still wants them to do what they want to do.
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