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DNR Seeks Input On Proposed Expansion of Elk Zone 20 Near Lancaster

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is proposing to expand the boundaries of an elk hunting zone near Lancaster and is asking for public input on the proposed change.

The proposal would expand the boundary of Elk Zone 20 by about 6 miles to the west and 3 miles to the south, to better encompass areas where elk have been during elk hunting seasons.

People can provide input on the proposal through March 30 by:

• Contacting Jason Wollin, Karlstad area wildlife manager, at 218-436-2427 or Wollin@ state.

• Visiting Wollin in person on Tuesday, March 28 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Karlstad Area Wildlife Office, 402 Main St. S. in Karlstad. No appointment is necessary.

• Mailing written comments to: Barb Keller, Fish and Wildlife Division, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155.

The huntable areas within the proposed expansion to Elk Zone 20 are all on private

lands, and the affected landowners have been notified via mail about this opportunity to provide input on the proposed change. Elk hunters must obtain permission to hunt on private agricultural or legally posted property and landowners are under no obligation to allow hunting on their property.

Elk hunters are selected via a lottery and hunting typically occurs during three to four nine-day seasons in September and October. Season details for 2023 have not yet been set, but information will be available in May.

Additionally, landowners with at least 160 acres of agricultural or grazing land in the elk zone are eligible to apply for an elk license under the special landowner lottery.

Applications for both the general and the landowner lotteries will be accepted beginning in mid-May and the lottery application deadline will be June 16.

More details from last year's elk season are available on the DNR's elk hunting page (


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