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On the first Sunday of deer season Joe would read the "Bambi" story. It was expected. Wearing his Elmer Fudd tie. The little guy, dressed in orange (hat and all) was surrounded with the words "Be ve-wy quiet...Be ve-wy quiet! Joe had and I know still has a soft spot, a true love for animals, and I am sure there are deer in Heaven. They are part of God's creation why shouldn't there be? He would holler loudly, "run Bambi run"!!! Eyes of everyone in the congregation would get bigger, and there were a few snickers.
The following true story was sent to me by my friend Joyce Yonke. It was given with all respect for critters, and included some hindsight. It was a very unusual deer story.
Joyce's story went as follows: "I was on my way home from a wake in Roseau. It was a regular day, but, I had a lot on my mind". (Oh my, yes she did!) "We were driving through Badger by the sign which is near a curve. My husband and son were with me." Remember she said that her mind was not on her driving. She continued saying, "all of a sudden my husband and son shouted out, 'deer, deer, deer,' there were 6 dear standing right in the road in front of me. I hit all 6 of them...legs flying across the highway and over my car. It was a real mess. I couldn't go any further because there was a deer stuck under my car! The whole front of my car was destroyed."
She called her family who were still in Roseau to come and get them. Her family arrived with a pickup truck. Needing to get a 4-Wheeler, they were able to pull the car over to a safe place. Squishing into a pickup, the family was able to get to their homes.
From that time on, Her family has called Joyce "the deer slayer," a fitting name. Her family also mentioned that they would like to take her hunting.
Six deer, one car, and one lady. I am sure she set a record.
Another story, and back to Joephus. He loved all the animals which he came in contact with. He loved our kittys who have been and still are. Joe would bond even with the strays who would come into our yard (mainly cats). For instance, there was one visitor, Joe called him "Snaggle Tooth." And then another who had 6 toes. Joe named him "Easter".
On a particular day there was a grey and white stripped cat who would make his way through our yard in order to pee on our back door. He always did that. Joe never said anything, he just got attached. One day Joe, on his way to get gas at Holiday, noticed his little Pee Kitty laying on the highway. He had been hit. Joe came home and got a blue towel. Driving back to the Holiday Station, he wrapped up the kitty in the blue towel and brought him home.
I arrived home around 5 p.m. Joe was standing by the back garden with his shovel. He was crying and crying. His face was red and big tears were streaming down his face. Telling me his story, in between sobs, he showed me where he had laid the little Pee Kitty in his final resting place. Sigh...
Two days later, his friend, Little Pee Kitty, was seen walking through our yard, pausing to pee on our back door. (To Joe's delight!)
Blessings, Julie
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