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Court Report

Roseau County

Sheriff’s Dept.

Jaustyn Renae Dahl, Greenbush, pled guilty to underage drinking and was fined $100 and unsupervised monitoring without conviction for 6 months. (Badge #1924)

Emmie Ann Jacobson, Greenbush, pled guilty to underage drinking and was fined $100 and unsupervised monitoring without conviction for 6 months. (Badge #1924)

Maddi Marie Janicke, Grand Forks, N.D. pled guilty to underage drinking and was fined $100 and unsupervised monitoring without conviction for 6 months. (Badge #1924)

Adam Clair Kittelson, Roseau, pled guilty to domestic assault (2) and was fined $960, lo...


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