Serving Roseau County for over 100 Years - The Official Roseau County Newspaper

The Roseau American Legion Auxiliary Wants You!

If you are a Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Granddaughter, Great-Granddaughter, Grandmother of a member of the American Legion of a deceased Veteran who was not a member of the American Legion but served in the conflicts listed below:

Eligibility Dates:

Persian Gulf War/War on Terrorism August 2, 1990 to today

Panama December 20, 1989 to January 31, 1990

Grenada/Lebanon August 24, 1982 to July 31, 1984

Vietnam War February 28,1961 to May 7, 1975

Korean War June 25, 1950 to January 31, 1955

World War II December 7, 1941 to December 31, 1946

World War I April 5, 1917 to November 11, 1918

U.S. M...


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