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"The Days Are Long, But The Weeks, Months And Years Just Fly By."

Til death do you part. After nearly half a century of being together this old farmer is majorly struggling to figure that out. The empty spot where she always sat along with, the marker where her ashes are in the flower garden drive the point home that this is not just a dream. Merle Haggard’s song “Silver Wings” keeps going around and around in this old codgers head. Air ambulance took her away a few times and always left a strange empty feeling watching the plane disappear in the distance. Regular ambulance also took her away to Grand Forks or the cities several times to fix this or that. Always before there was a phone call to come bring her home. How do you know when a love affair is over? Even a relationship that would have kept the good Doctor Phil awake at night had its moments.

Everything in this world doesn’t have to be figured out to be understood. Love is one of those things. Nothing in this world is perfect. No one can deny that sometimes community property is part of the glue that keeps people together. An even bigger factor is the belief in the importance of a two parent home. Ours was not ever a broken home, but had some nasty cracks from time to time. There is a lot of peace of mind knowing that they were all mended before her passing. After spending well over two-thirds of ones life married how does one go about feeling single again? Maybe sometime in the future that too will be made clear. Until then the only recourse seems to be to keep busy. There is never a shortage of things to do if one really wants to keep busy. Being mostly retired and lucky enough to still be healthy is a good thing. As one of my moms good friends said, “The days are long, but the weeks, months and years just fly by.” Too quick old, too late smart, also seems to apply. Maybe one morning this old farmer will wake up and not feel married anymore. Until that morning I will keep missing you “Ya Ya”.

Sheldon Larson

P.S. When Cain smashed his brothers head in with a rock God didn’t blame the rock. He blamed Cain. There couldn’t be something to be learned from that could there?

P.S.S. Why are some that hate our country allowed to represent us at the Olympics?

P.S.S.S. How can someone that stands to pee be allowed to play women’s sports. Just wondering!!


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