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Let There be Kind Words, and Kind Hearts

Joe is still with us. He is in the Life Care Hospital in Roseau, under Comfort Care.

He is in no pain and sleeps most of the time being very weak. A friend asked the other day, "Why doesn't God take him home?"

That same evening I read a line from a devotional book, "Springs In The Valley," by Mrs. L.B. Cowman, which I have been posting everyday in Facebook. It went like this:

God is never slow from His standpoint, but He is from ours, because impetuosity and doing things prematurely are universal weaknesses.

God lives and moves in eternity, and every little detail in His working must be like Himself and have in it the majesty and measured movement. As well as the accuracy and promptness, of infinite wisdom. We are to let God do the swiftness and we do the slowness.

The Holy Spirit tells us to "be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry" (James 1:19), that is, quick to take in from God but slow to give out the opinions, the emotions of the creature.

We miss a great many things from God by not going slow enough with Him. Who would have God change His perfections to accommodate our whims?

Have we not had glimpses into God's perfections, insight into wonderful truths, quiet unfolding of daily opportunities, gentle checks of the Holy Spirit upon our decisions or words, sweet and secret promptings to do certain things?

There is a time for everything in the universe to get ripe - and to go slow with God is the heavenly pace that gathers up all things at the time they are ripe.

What they win, who wait for God, is worth waiting for! GOING SLOW WITH GOD IS OUR GREATEST SAFETY!

That evening, a WONDERFUL woman doctor who we had met before in the ER came into our room. I was so happy to see her. I shared the "Slowness with God" statement with her. She immediately said, "yes, that is right" a slow departure can be the safest route out.

Talking to her really helped me regain my focus, and helped me identify and rest in the "best path" that God has for Joe's life.

One of our life verses has been and still is Psalms 32:8. The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.

2 Timothy 1:12 states Paul's words to Timothy: "That is why I am suffering as I am, yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for that day."

There is a "that day" in everyone's life. I heard a preacher named Andrew Wommack say last week, "It is a good thing to begin but much better to end well." Will God say to you, "Well done thou good and faithful servant?"

I want that statement to be my testimony. I am not always strong. I'm fragile and can become very insecure. When I feel this coming on, I cry out to God saying, "Help me, help me!" Then I go to the scripture looking for Him, and I find Him.

He strengthens me with His words, and speaks from within. He also speaks by sending me people like the "Good Doctor." Kind words, along with kind hearts. It all comes when I need it the most.

Blessings, Julie


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